Let's recap all the other Final Destinations before I review this one. In the first one, One kid has a premonition that the plane is going to crash and it does. The second one, a girl has a premonition that a car crash is going to happen and it does. The third one, a girl has a premonition that the roller coaster ride is going to derail and kill everyone on it and it does. Now, what could they do in this one to top all the other ones. Let's bring it to a Nascar race and you know what, they should have done this earlier because it works with the theme. Why do we as people watch Nascar? it's not because of the actual racing, but because we are waiting for all the crashes. You almost get a guarantee with Nascar that there will be one or two. That is the same reason we watch and are obsessed with Final Destination. We watch it for the inventive kill scenes that are always a guarantee. Well in this one, Nick (Bobby Campo) has a premonition that everyone in his section will die because the place is falling apart and a crash will happen that kills a lot of people. So, he saves his girlfriend Lori (Shantel VanSanten), his friend Hunt (Nick Zano), his girlfriend Janet (Haley Webb), a security guard named George (Bubba Shrimp himself Mykelti Williamson) and some more people. Now it's a race against time to try and figure out who dies next and who can they save to maybe break the chain forever. The kill scenes in the beginning are inventive and then some are very familiar but just re-invented in a different form. That was sadly the only thing that bothered me about it was the typical kill scenes we've seen before. It's a great addition to the Final Destination family but hopefully the last one. Three stars out of Five
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