Friday, July 10, 2009

I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009)

When I saw the book in the bargain shelf at Borders, just about a year ago, I thought what the heck and I bought the book not knowing what to expect. I read the book and I loved It. When I found out a month ago that they had made a movie version of the book, I was excited because I loved the book so much and I was imagining what the film would be like. I thought the film version was good and of course they have to leave things out because the movie would then be too long. So, I left the theatre a little bit disappointed but not by much. The acting was great and they followed the book tremendously well. Of course, I was the only one in the theatre besides an older gentleman, but I feel the movie may be overshadowed by Sasha Baron Cohen's new release Bruno. Paul Rust (Semi Pro, Paper Heart) does an excellent job as the geeky Denis Cooverman, who by chance gets the night of his life after admitting and telling everyone at graduation he was in love with Beth Cooper. Hayden Panettiere (Heroes, Ice Princess) does an excellent job as the head cheerleader and main desire of Denis, Beth Cooper. Believe me, she is hot and might just be the sexiest girl in Hollywood. The real treat of the movie is Jack Carpenter (Lipshitz Saves The World, Held Up) as denis's questionably gay best friend and constant movie quoter Rick Munsch. He was the real highlight of the movie and kept the movie enjoyable by his antics. The other highlight is seeing Ferris Beuhler's best friend Cameron, Alan Ruck playing Denis's dad. The other notable actors in the film are Lauren London (Next Day Air, ATL) and Lauren Storm (The Game Plan, Whore) as Beth's friends Cammy and Treece, Shawn Roberts (X-Men, Land Of The Dead) as Beth's psycho boyfriend Kevin, Josh Emerson (Comeback Season) as Denis's former bully Greg, and Pat Finn (Dude Where's My Car?, Space Buddies) as Coach Rupp. I'm going to judge Bruno for myself later but I think this movie is a gem after all. I give it Three Stars Out Of Five

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