Friday, August 27, 2010

The Losers (2010)

This is a movie about a CIA black ops team that goes on a mission, gets screwed, left for dead, and now they want revenge on those that did it to them. The team so aptly entitled "The Losers" is made up of Clay (played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan), Pooch (played by Death At A Funeral's Columbus Short), Roque (Played By Obsessed's Idris Elba), the coolest character and a man of few words Cougar (played by Oscar Jaenada), and the always comical Jensen (Played by Chris Evans) make up this team that struggles to make their way back to the states. Some of the other key players in this film is Zoe Saldana (Avatar) and Jason Patric (The Lost Boys) and everyone in this film does an excellent job. I really enjoyed the flick and as a guy it has everything you could want in a action movie. It's got guns, bombs, a hot chick, and explosions. I'm telling you blow a lot of things up and we're happy. I think that this is obviously one of the cool movies to come from comic books and maybe thats because I'm sick of the supermans and things of that nature. I give the movie a A-

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