Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Book Of Eli (2010)

The world as we know it is no more, it's apocalyptic, it's scary, and Denzel is hunting cats. That's what we see from the very beginning of the movie and it sort of makes sense. Think about it, when the the world looks like nuclear bombs have destroyed it, what else are you going to eat? Denzel Washington (The Bone Collector) plays Eli, a man on a mission from God to bring the only existing copy of the Bible to the west coast. He meets some strange fellows along the way and kills them very swift and easily. He gets caught up with Mila Kunis (That 70's Show, Extract) and is trying to runaway from Commissioner Gordon himself Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight). Oldman plays a man named Carnegie, the only one around besides Denzel that can read and he wants that very book that Denzel has because he believes that it brings great power and domination to whoever possess it. I thought the movie was very good and come on it's Denzel, so of course it'll be decent. I don't think it's the greatest movie ever made, but I enjoyed the movie. The movie also stars Ray Stevenson (Punisher: Warzone, The Other Guys) Oldman's lead henchman, The L Words Jennifer Beals as Mila's mom Claudia, and Tom Waits (Bram Stoker's Dracula) as the engineer. I give the movie a B

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